With carefully selected suppliers and traceability at all levels, LIOT benefits from all the Eurovo Group’s resources to respond to the specificities of all markets.
Control of the entire production chain (upstream, feed, breeding, egg-laying sites, processing sites, etc.), the selection of suppliers, and our own breeding farms are LIOT’s strong points.


Know-how, innovation, technology and state-of-the-art processes. Industrial and logistic flexibility to meet our customers’ expectations and needs.



Manufacturing of specific products with a long shelf life at room temperature for the food-processing industry, out-of-home food services industry, and the nutrition sector.

  • Liotized eggs (additive and preservative-free liquid egg white with 6 months shelf life)
  • Confidoeuf (whole concentrate or yellow with sugar or salt with 1 year shelf life)
  • Powdered eggs


Refrigerated pasteurized liquid products.

  • Whole eggs, plain pasteurized liquid egg yolks and whites.
  • Whole eggs, sweet or savoury pasteurized liquid egg whites and yolks.
  • Whole eggs, frozen pasteurized sweet, savoury or plain egg yolks, whites.
  • Small packaging for the out-of-home catering food services market, catering, etc.

A capillary network

The strategic location of the production sites combined with our logistics resources guarantee control of the cold chain for rapid deliveries to any location..

Liot is present throughout France and Europe thanks to a distribution network structured around the two production plants and various farms.

Thanks to this distribution, Liot is now a nationally and internationally renowned producer of egg products, which controls all egg production and egg product processing phases and manages a precise and widespread distribution throughout France and Europe.

LIOT’s strong points

Our goal is to ensure the quality and food safety of the products we deliver to our customers and consumers.


